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New ParDISCLAIMER: This site is all about Web3 because that's a tangible component of Web4, but Web4 is Aethereal.

To learn more about leveraging Web4, get in touch!

Schedule a Friendship Pod Consultation

What is a Next-Gen Media Company?

Schedule a Friendship Pod Strategy Call

Web3 Friendship Pods offer more than just a way to generate revenue,

they are also organizations for good.
Download our overview to building your own

Web 3 Friendship Pod

Don't worry, we don't need your email address.

If we are meant to get together, we'll find each other.

Download the Overview

Tokenized Communities combined with storytelling is how we will affect the future.

A Ted Talk that succinctly describes a
Friendship Pod & our 4DStory platform.

Discover how to build a profitable tokenized community that supports a 4DStory in a way that impacts the world for good.

Friendship Pods.

We are what's known in Web3, as a DAO
(Decentralized Autonomous Organization)

Serving locally in the Okanogan Valley of Washington State, US

and globally across the web.

Schedule a Friendship Pod Strategy Call

The Friendship pod network

To build a
Friendship Pod

We use
3 Marbles!

The Success Formula: 1 + 1 = 3

First Marble:
Purpose & Resources

The first aspect of developing a Friendship Pod is to determine how participation in your tribe allows its members to be stronger together, so they can have a greater impact. It's a two-part formula. Part 1: Identify the cause you want to impact. Part 2: Structure your crypto community to leverage its resources in a way that free sup your communities time, money, and energy. Then direct those available resources towards your vision for contribution. The reciprocity from this infrastructure will induce a kinetic and fluid  response that has the potential to  be perpetual.

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Belief creates fact

2nd Marble: Entertainment & Education

Transformation at every turn is the key to engaging communities that perform. To get the full picture, you have to look no further than how video games are evolving around this idea. Web 3 is the ideal landscape on which to tell a great story and not just a brand story, those are boring!  You are now expected to tell cool stories that motivate and inspire your community to action. Whether for entertainment, inspiration, or both, our trademarked system of Story Integrated Marketing® offers countless ways to empower your fans, impact the world for good, and prosper... all at the same time!

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A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships

Marble 3: Direction & Rewards

Crypto Communities are formed around an NFT collection or a token, empowering them to be distributed to community members who share in the profits of the community through increased value of their tokens.  This  value paradigm not only inspires members to contribute to the community, but it will also reward them physically and spiritually.

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Strategy Call Support
Click the button below to download the strategy call format for discussing Friendship Pods.

Be prepared to discuss these items, in order, on the call.

For all other strategy calls, we can determine parameters of your project during the the call.

Current Friendship Pod Network

All these Friendship Pods share the same #4DStory ERC-20 crypto token
and contribute to increasing the value and utility of it for everyone.

In this video, Maria from ChefHe.art explains a bit more about the crypto aspect of a Friendship Pod.

Schedule a Friendship Pod Strategy Call

We believe.

This time, it's for all the marbles...
Web3 is about building
Crypto Community's

that unify, inspire, & reward us all!

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