Welcome to the Marble Media Web3 Friendship Pod.
This Pod is designed for engineers, developers, business consultants,
and anyone contributing to Web3 solutions in conjunction with Marble Media.



By James Craddock May 30, 2023
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By James Craddock October 23, 2022
If Web3 ends up being nothing more than a rewrite of our current ad-driven consumerism, just applied to the Metaverse, then we've wasted 50 years of web development and progress towards what was supposed to be a way to enhance society. If our current social model gets super-powered by smart contracts and digital goods being used for n early everything, we will forge an exponentially increasing sense of entitlement and dependency to those who are in this paradigm which will overload the cognitive systems of our social construct, a hundredfold and beyond what the current social landscape already has. A reset MUST be installed if we are going to combat this inevitable destruction. Computing power is a trillion times what it was at its inception and we are already seeing the effects of evil agenda's for power and money harnessing these tools to manipulate and control. This all comes at the expense of our sanity, literally. The younger generations going through their adolescence now are all, each and every one of them, going to bring trauma into their adult lives. And then we're going to see some chaotic shifts happen in the world. This might be the big shift or big reset you hear new-agers talk about. The problem with shifting the paradigm is there's no headroom to pivot in our current condition . We've been seduced to a point of saturation and we cant break free. Our spiritual capacity is probably the weakest it's ever been and younger generations are even more deluded. Truth has been attacked and is now the greatest asset we've lost collectively. The ability to perceive the unknown, trust our instincts, believe in the supernatural, and thereby leverage Aethereal power in our own lives has diminished our effectiveness. Most believe there's nothing that can be done about any of this and we simply must adapt. But with AI "adapting" to this controlling paradigm faster than we are, the end is already determined. It's often called singularity when spoken of it in context with AI's functionality but instead of defining singularity as a vanishing of the gap between technological processing and human cognition, it should be defined as the diminishing gap between truth and what we actually believe. AI's whole intention as the mind of the beast that offends us, is to bring mankind into an ecosystem where nobody believes anything is true, trust is hence lost and transparency is a one-way street. And if you listen to my podcast, you will know that Truth, Trust, and Transparency are the pillars to love. And when they erode, love diminishes. If any one of all three goes extinct, then love implodes and the world fills with hate. This thought inspired a few lines of rhyme... We are running out of love So hard and fast Moving on ahead Never mind the past Give me all the ammo Crank up the speed Give me what I want And tell me what I need Love is the seat of a three-legged stool It's the wisdom of the ages And nobody's fool Love knows how to laugh Dance and sing Where will we be When we lose everything And the world goes dark, darker, darkest The light goes out, out, and out The winners become losers And Love dies in a drought Goodbye World. Due to social media, people have no idea what's true anymore. Our minds have been doped with amplified here-say in order to combat the unexpected outcome of connecting the world in a digital way. Web 2.0 ushered in the ability to openly expose societies greatest secrets, blow the whistle on government cover-ups and fraudulent dealings, and educate people in the higher arts. At present time, we are a global nation of people who have isolated ourselves to identity thinking. We feel there's no need to create communities because our underlying suspicion defies truth at every turn. And with Artificial Intelligence not knowing how to understand truth, it can only teraform its collective self (a combination of the software and the people using it) towards what we call singularity, or maybe better stated... destruction, as Elon Musk keeps warning us about. And so, to this end, Marble Media has developed Friendship Pods, a truly decentralized approach to building a community. Not just technically decentralized but Aethereally. Let me explain. Friendship Pods provide an ecosystem where this paradigm shift can take place. Friendship Pods when taken to their intended extreme become a decentralized ecosystem where each member can wholly trust in it, believe in it, and rely upon it. The technology of Web3 allows us to install truth into a community through smart contracts, blockchain integrity, shared equity tokens and other such developments. But Web3 tech is just a part of the solution. In fact Web3 tools are simply that, tools. The way we need to think isn't in higher def 3D, the way forward is by thinking in 4D, which is embedded in the infrastructure and philosophy of a Friendship Pod through our proprietary model called Personaware. Imagine joining a community that so defines trust, without imposing on that trust, that you relied more upon their recommendations and council than anyone else, maybe even yourself. But none of it requires fear-based manipulation, intrusive advertising, gimmicky social triggers, etc. It's pure, whole and undefiled. That would be utopian. This radical outcome must come about as the byproduct of a bridge between the Aethereal and the Physical. In our approach of building these 4D Friendship Pods, we start with four categories of engagement: 1) Persona's & Themes Engagement 2) Physical Engagement 3) Digital/ Crypto Engagement 4) Aethereal Engagement Having proven models of deployment for each category of engagement allows us to build Friendship Pods that are unique, decentralized, (because the community is not only Web3 connected digitally, but also Web4 connected, Aethereally) and profitable. This blog post isn't meant to teach you about Friendship Pod theory. That goes so deep you would have to come to our annual events every year forever to absorb it all. What this blog post is meant to do is to highlight the danger of Web3. And the danger of Web3 is if we simply use it to retrofit our current digital paradigm into an amplified version of itself, disguised as "decentralized.," it will devour us as the fire-breathing dragon that it is. Friendship Pods are AI (Aetheral Intelligence) strongholds meant to offer humanity a means by which to combat the stealing of our truth by AI (Artificial Intelligence.) Like sci-fi aliens invading a planet to steal it's most valuable resource... love. And we are commercially fighting to reclaim this love. And that is the passion driving Marble Media to empower as many who want a better way. We now have the tools, let us help you make it happen. The aliens landed when the blockchain was "gifted" to us. Under the auspice of "true" decentralization, in a world where centralized monopolies have been taking over for the past 30 years, this technology offered a new path towards freedom and anonymity. But in reality it was offered to us as a trojan horse, believing that mankind's compass is so broke they will only accelerate their destruction with it. Let's not give them, whoever they are, the satisfaction of a win and more important, let's get back some of the love lost to the last few generations. We have the tools to do it. In conclusion, Friendship Pods offer a safe haven where anyone who wants, can enjoy and benefit from the promises of Web3 without being snared by those who would want to hijack it. To investigate further, please listen to the podcast at marblemedia.io
By James Craddock August 24, 2022
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By James Craddock August 22, 2022
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By James Craddock January 14, 2022
The following graphic is a recent blog post on top and a clip from my Story Integrated Marketing® whitepaper from 2014 and the text is also from that report, predicting the coming impact of social tokens and crypto-communities.
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