Welcome to the Marble Media Friendship Pod.
I am your host...
This pod is closely tied to the 4DStory project and The Jam Room charity record label project we are hosting as Web3 communities as well. However, this pod focuses more on supporting the growth of your businesses through strategies, tech, and an untapped potential of unified power created in the climate of a well designed Web3 Friendship Pod.
This is also the first Web3 pod being hosted by Marble Media. In fact, the way we have constructed these pods, there has never been one built like it, and any one's built after it will only reinforce and mature its potential.
A bit of philosophy needs to be understood. to fully grasp and apply the power of a Friendship pod.
We all agree there is power in unity. Sports teams, military units, families, even just two brothers can produce an exponentially greater output than the sum of each their individual parts. The old formula that one plus one is three.
And we all agree there is sincerity in transparency.
And finally, there is trust in digital technology.
This three-legged stool is what props up the web in general. Facebook Groups and other community tools represent an attempt to unify, from giving out our home phone number on a website to posting videos of our production processes, we are doing everything in our power to appear transparent. And we may not like to admit it, but we place our faith in these 1's and 0's every single day, if not every moment of every day.
With these three factors in mind we can say that Web3 is a new tool to promote connection through sincere and deep collaboration, integrated into crypto and traditional commerce, to produce a pod that rewards its members collectively, for their participation.
Rewards in this pod are in one or more of 4 categories...
1. Resources -
We want to be a valuable resource for your business growth. Including strategies, software, and more. As the pod grows, we will leverage our community to buy in bulk, so to speak, and generate savings for the things we all commonly use.
2. Knowledge - As we learn more about the emergence of Web3, we'll be your preferred resource for engaging it profitably. As we pioneer our own projects, you'll have first-hand insights as to what transpires.
3. Connection - One of the base intentions of a Friendship Pod is the connections you will make and as we get further down the line, the unique way we use Web3 to foster connections to a deeper and more profitable level. Because of Unified sincerity and trust between members.
4. Crypto - You may not realize it yet, or maybe you do and that is why you are here, but the usage of crypto is rising and though it's been a slow laboring existence so far, it's picking up speed. And when it does, the last thing we want to end up with is the turbo charger that is Web3 being slapped on a VW 12cc engine... as we try to take these new tools and use them on old ways. All that's going to do is lead to breaking all sorts of existing paradigms, leaving the crushed remains of countless lives destroyed. Ok, that may be a bit harsh but the truth is, if Web3 and crypto emerge to do nothing more than supercharge our old ways of in-your-face, interruptive advertising and everything else that's wrong with the Internet in its current form, then we'll just have high-speed chaos and exponentially growing corruption in business and ultimately in our souls.
We have minted our own crypto coin, called #4DStory. This means we have a contract on the Etherium blockchain representing our coin. It has a limited supply of 10,000,000 coins that can be minted across its lifetime. These coins are what allow us to reward you financially, in the world of crypto. As we distribute these coins, their popularity will grow. Whether that's 1,000 more coins or all ten million doesn't matter, as long as the pod continues to gain value, the coins will as well.
These coins currently do not have monetary value. They are only valuable or useful within the Marble Media and 4DStory ecosystem of pods. However, as the pod generates revenue, we will establish what's called a "liquidity pool." This is basically a holding of crypto and regular currency, in order to bridge real-world value to the coins.
So if you held a bunch of coins at the time a liquidity pool gets established, even if it's only a $1,000 holding. Your coins would be worth a fractional percentage of that $1,000 based on total coins in circulation, etc. As that liquidity pool grows, or more liquidity pools come online, the more valuable the coins become. And what's even more powerful is that anyone can establish a liquidity pool at any time or contribute to an established liquidity pool, to boost the overall value of the coin.
This new currency game is far different from what you might currently be playing with your money in the way of investments, moving assets around, contracts, etc. This one is available to anyone, and always will be because this three-legged stool can't be monopolized. Aspects of it can, but even like the dark web of today... you can't harness all of it. And this concept of perpetuity is a valuable piece of the Web3 success formula at this time.
So, for now go get you some 4DStory coins. Note that all requests will be approved before the coins are issued and the coins are limited to how many can be distributed per month. And stay-tuned to this Dashboard. It will evolve significantly as we proceed.
Welcome aboard,
I hope you
Get Into The Glide and make the most of the ride!